Harry is, plain and simple, a Christ figure, and in this
last book his role as savior and conqueror of death comes to a climax. He is
described as the “true master of Death” (720) and has ever held the moniker of
The Boy Who Lived. The circumstance and purpose of his death is unique to
anyone else’s as he realizes that “this cold-blooded walk to his own
destruction would require a different kind of bravery” (692). Harry isn’t a
martyr or a sacrifice, dying for jumping in front of a curse meant for someone
else. His death is completely on his own agency, and therefore holds more
power, just as Christ’s own choice. Harry’s death would “not be a calamity, but
another blow against Voldemort” (692), who is a stand in for evil and Satan.
Even though he is scared, Harry endures to the end in the name of those he
loves, which is the true lesson of his story. Harry’s spiritual strength
despite his knowledge that he had a horcrux, a piece of the devil, inside him
inspires children who have a desire to do good but know that they are capable
of bad. Even after his resurrection, Harry invisibly casts Shield Charms to
protect his unknowing friends from curses shot their way, solidifying his role
as a savior and protector that largely goes unrecognized.

Harry’s struggle against Voldemort is a struggle of light
against dark, moral against immoral, and love against hate. Rowling isn’t a
capital “C” Christian writer and doesn’t set out to convert others to her
faith, but she is a moralistic writer who hopes to get her “kidult” audience to
think about the hard questions and establish tolerance as a core moral in their
lives. Rowling claims that her books preach that “love is the most important
force” against “bigotry, violence, [and] struggles for power” (Gibbs) and take a spiritual approach to bravery and
love. The magic spells, curses, and powers of The Deathly Hallows make the spiritual tangible and the Christian
morals more accessible. In a philosophic time where if something can’t be
proven on paper, it doesn’t exist, the magic and imagination of Rowling’s books
assure children of the legitimacy of their intangible feelings and beliefs,
just as Dumbledore reassured Harry: “Of course it is happening inside your
head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" (723)
Works Cited
Gibbs, Nancy. “Person of the Year 2007: Runners-Up J.K.
Rowling.” Time 19 Dec. 2007. Web.
Rowling, J.K. Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Scholastic Inc., 2007. Print.
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